Exchange of Experience 2023

Innovation Booster

September 19, 2023

Bierhübeli, Bern

With pleasure we announce the next Exchange of Experience of the Innovation Booster community. It takes place on Tuesday, 19 September 2023, 9:30-17:00/19:00 at Bierhübeli Bern.

The Innovation Booster is a still young and unique Innosuisse support instrument that aims to boost more radical innovation with the help of open innovation. The annual Exchange of Experience is a great occasion to learn from the community how to run open innovation initiatives.

This year’s programme puts a focus on team building. While team building is an essential factor for teams to create quality projects with enough traction for a follow-up, it is essential for the Innovation Booster community to thrive by building a community of practice to get valuable insights on shared processes and how to handle obstacles encountered on the way.

The KTT team is looking forward to meeting you soon at Bierhübeli Bern.



Aurélie Moser
Founder of Bambooster

Aurélie Moser is the founder of Bambooster. She has more than 20 years of experience in commercial and innovation in the corporate and startup worlds. She enables teams to reduce time to market. She is also an Innosuisse expert and trainer.

Elaine France
Founder of flowinaction

Elaine France is the founder of flowinaction. As a consultant, she brings together 25+ years of expertise across sectors to empower innovation teams to develop green and sustainable solutions, focused on the UN SDGs and climate targets. She capacity-builds by combining strategic foresight, social innovation and entrepreneurial education.

Géraldine Mercier
Founder of AWENE

Géraldine Mercier is the founder of AWENE and Bambooster business partner. She has more than 20 years of experience in innovation, life sciences industry and as Executive coach and Consultant. She is a Change & Movement booster for individuals, teams and organizations.



Neubrückstrasse 43, Bern
3012 Bern

How to get there:

Bierhübeli is easily accessible by public transport. You can either take bus number 11 (direction Neufeld park + ride) or bus number 21 (direction Bremgarten), both stopping right at «Bierhübeli». Or you can take a ten-minutes-walk right from the station – best take the lift to Grosse Schanze for the shortest way.

Should you need to come by car, you can either try your luck and find a space in the area – to park your car you can purchase a day ticket at any ticket machine of any bus stop in Bern – or leave it at Neufeld park + ride, which is a seven-minutes-walk away from our event location.

Register to attend / not attending